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Singing, learning and having fun!

Join Roger at his various singing events or at workshops that he leads at festivals and other events.


See the CALENDAR page for all events like the annual Singing in the Swiss Alps and Three days in May residential workshops.
Festivals like Purbeck Valley Folk Festival and Towersey Festival will also be here, along with weekends like Folk on the Farm.

At larger festivals, Roger leads The Fabulous Festival Choir, where any festival goers can come to a workshop each day to learn a new song, and very often get to have a performance on the last day.  These usually attract a choir of about 300, so you can imagine the great sound we get!

A typical Saturday or Sunday workshop begins at about 10.00 with a short warm up - stretches, ice breakers to make you fell relaxed, andvocal stretches to protect your voice before you really get singing. 

Depending on the group and your choices, we'll maybe start with an easy-to-learn round and progress to songs in three or four part harmony. 

We have a short break for coffee and an hour for lunch, getting to meet and chat with your fellow singers.

Often we have a "bring and share" lunch, if the venue permits, or we can disperse to find our own.

In the afternoon, we'll learn a couple more songs, or maybe split into smaller groups to try out
some of the singing ideas we might have discussed in the morning.


What's in a

All the workshops are very flexible, and if you have something particular you'd like to do, we can  tailor it to your group.

The emphasis is always on fun, everything is taught by ear, and any technique training is learnt by singing.

Unless specified, workshops are open to all levels - Roger excels at putting people at their ease so they quickly gain confidence and are able to participate fully. Although he covers many styles - English and world folk, shanties and gospel, Roger is a fan of American folk music 

which will often feature in his workshops.

You can book Roger for your own group or choir - Just find a minimum of 20 fellow singers and a venue then contact Roger on the form below with details of date, numbers (min 20), and where you are.

Workshop form Anchor

Book a workshop

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